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The International Augustinian Recollect Solidarity Network ARCORES works for justice and social peace in 22 countries.
The social projects of the Augustinian Recollect family help thousands of people around the world.

With your little help we can do a lot


4€ or 5$

 you can prevent a child from tuberculosis in Philippines


20€ or 25$

you will guarantee that a child can go to school in Sierra Leone


40€ or 50$

 you will provide a daily meal to 100 children in poverty in Venezuela


65€ or 80$

you will allow a child to go to school for an entire year in Brazil


115€ or 140$

a child can get out of malnutrition in the Brazilian Amazon

180€ or 215$

a child can go to school and study in Peru for a year

help costs less

With your donation or periodic contribution you can benefit fiscally by deducting your taxes.